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Cat-flea Solution

Cat flee is a common phenomenon which the cat owner may go through very frequently. The good news is, cat flee cannot effect human being. Veterinarians do not prefer chemical based anti flee medicines, so do we. In this article, we will basically focus on homemade natural flee remedy for your beloved cat.


Follow these steps to get rid of cat flees;


01. Apple Cider or Vinegar: Apple Cider or Vinegar cannot kill flees. They are nice flee repellent material. It creates anti flee environment, that makes flees leave the cat body. Take some vingar/apple cider in a pot and mix it with warm water in 1:1 ratio. Spray it on your cat. Make sure that the spray reaches the skin underneath the far. Now place your cat under direct sunlight and let it be there for one minute.   Prevent your cat from licking itself by distracting it. Then take a dense flee comb and scratch your cat’s far. Now clean your cat and dry it up by moping or hair dryer. You may follow the video. Better use Apple Cider/Vinegar instead of dish washer. 

02. If this process does not work, bathe your cat in apple cider/ vinegar and water solution (1:1 ratio.) . Now place your cat under direct sunlight and let it be there for one minute.   Prevent your cat from licking itself by distracting it. Then take a dense flee comb and scratch your cat’s far. Now clean your cat and dry it up by moping or hair dryer.​

03. Bathing a kitten under three months of age is discouraged. But if you have no other way, then quickly dry it up using hair dryer. If you do not have a hair dryer, do not bathe it.

04. In winter, lot of cats dies in flue. Winter is a challenging season for cats. Never bathe your cat in winter regardless to its age. If the situation gets unbearable, you must instantly dry it up using hair dryer. If you do not have a hair dryer, do not bathe it in winter.

05. Each flees that comes out of the cats body must be killed one by one.

06. Some people uses human anti-flee shampoo or Naphthalene to get rid of flees. Although these will give instant reaction by killing all flees instantly, still, not recommended. Cats use to lick itself after each bathe. So, if you wish to use this type of toxic material, make 100% sure that the material is totally removed after usage. Else, the consequences will be on you.

07. If you get extremely annoyed by extreme flee, order an anti-flee spray or powder and apply it according to instructions on the label.

08. Using anti-flee powder, spray, collar, chemical, shampoo or Naphthalene on Kitten under three months of age is strictly forbidden.

09. Flee use to gather at the root of the tail. Take special care on that area.

10. Do not use dog spray, shampoo, oil or any other dog material on cats.

11. You have to treat all your cats at the same time.

12.  Clean all their bed sheets and stuffs. They may contain flee-eggs, which may cause second phase of flee-attack.

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